Thursday, October 13, 2011

Your Local Hospital

So this all started after I had my first baby. I delivered at my local hospital. For me that is Franklin Square in Rosedale. All Hospitals have their strengths and weaknesses. I happen to like Franklin Square. The maternity and pediatrics’ departments are pretty great; the resources are I think better than a few other hospitals in the area. First off, the lactation department is pretty amazing, so if you want to go down that road, or are doing so great. They also host a weekly “Postpartum Luncheon” I call it new mommy’s group. I started going when my gymnast was 2 weeks old (we didn’t know she was a gymnast then).  This group is run by the lactation department, but is a great resource for all new moms. There is no pressure to breastfeed, if you don’t. and if you do they are there to answer any questions you might have. They provide lunch and what makes them stand out is they don’t charge, there is a free parking lot, so basically you can go get a free lunch, hang out with other new moms, have lactation consultants and nurse practitioners to pick their minds. You can come weekly until your baby is a year old. You didn’t deliver there? That’s ok, you don’t have to, they welcome all. The best part is all those strangers there to talk to can quickly become friends, some of them very good friends. Some are veteran moms who are there with their 2nd, 3rd or more babies. They are the ones with all sorts of cool tips, ideas, and they know about great places to go and things to do in the area. Stuff you wouldn’t know about if you’re not from these parts and some you wouldn’t know about unless you’ve had kids. So with my gymnast I went pretty religiously, it was winter; I had no friends in the area, and those I had worked. I was tired so staying home by myself watching TV. all day. So my weekly trip to mommy group was needed for mental health. Plus I made some pretty awesome friends, not just “mommy friends” where we’d meet at parks and stuff. But really good friends I could talk to about anything, that I saw pretty frequently and that had babies close to my babies age, so they grew up together, and they became good friends too. So when I was ready for my second baby, my other friends had more babies around the time, so it was mommy group again together, only this time I’m a veteran mom, and can share the stuff that I’ve learned.

If you’re interested in visiting mommy group check out the link below. It meets every Wednesday from 11-1.

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